I got off at work at 4 pm. I was freezing cold, nauseous, and feeling extremely ill. I called mom first to complain of how it's so odd I've been feeling so sick the past two weeks. (two weeks ago I got physically sick at work and had to leave early, calling in sick the next day as well). My original plan was just to go home and try and sleep since I was so tired, but I called Josh and he said I should either tough it out and go to class or go to Urgent Care to figure out what was going on. I knew I couldn't last through class, so Urgent Care it was.
I checked in about 4:45 pm and was seen shortly after, thank goodness it wasn't a busy night in the urgent care. My vitals weren't great-111 resting pulse, 140/90 bp, and 100 degree temperature. After talking with the LPN about my symptoms, she determined the doctor needed to come in and see me.
After the doctor came in and did the preliminary checks, he determined I needed to have my blood drawn and give a urine sample. At this point he was worried about a kidney infection.
The blood tests came back as a concern to the doctor--my white blood cell count was nearly double what the maximum count should be. He said coupled with the symptoms he knew it was some type of infection, but the urine results indicated no kidney infection. So we went back to the drawing board.
After further examination, the doctor became concerned that my appendix may be to blame. I was ordered to go to CT and get imaging done on my stomach, appendix, and intestines. After drinking some disgusting water and waiting around for another 2 hours, I went in to the little tube that would examine my insides. The second part of the CT involved radiopaque material being inserted into my IV, which made me feel like I was peeing my pants (which they thankfully warned me about).
After sending the images to a radiologist in St. Paul, my results came back clean. No troubles visible with my appendix or anything else examined. So what happens next?
Back to blood draw. After already having been stuck for blood then being stuck for an IV, I went back to get blood drawn for a blood culture. In order to avoid any stress to my vein that had already been tapped twice, my left arm was tried. After fishing around for what felt like forever, she gave up and went back to my right arm. But we couldn't tap the same vein, so in through the hand we went. Did I mention in the process I got tested for the flu? I had no idea that testing for the flu involved a 6 inch swab that gets stuffed up both nostrils? I apologized after snotting all over the nurse, but I really couldn't help it.
What was next? I thought nothing--until they stopped me at xray and said they needed to get images of my kidneys. And after xray, when I thought I could finally go back to the room and wait for the doctor to give me my presription, they told me I had to give another urine sample. Yay!
Finally, after getting back to my room, the doctor told me they still hadn't determined where the infection was originating. So he put me on general antibiotics and ordered me to make a follow-up doctor's appointment to review my blood culture results. So tomorrow, at 730 am, I'm hopefully going to find out what the heck is going on. All I know is I want to start feeling better-I can't deal with being sick.
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