Meet Stephen: charismatic, smooth-talking, and 173rd Street West's most Eligible Bachelor...
Cue Jeffrey: handsome, sensitive, witty, and smells of pure man...
Enter Brian: Cute, brilliant, gentle, and dashing...
Then there's Tony: Heart-breaker, dream-chaser, trouble-maker...
Beware finding these manly men congregating in one place as it is likely your heart will break, side will split from laughter, and some pains in your ass may ensue...
Furthermore, tread carefully around a new addition to the Hunt tradition...
Exhibit K: Kelly--armed and dangerous. Approach with caution as he is spoken for and his weapons are no match for the wrath of his intended.
The elusive Mr. H. Hard to photograph in his natural habitat... Most pictures are only acquired as he attacks his prey:
Danger ahead: 007 has nothing on the following gentleman...
Exercise caution around the following pair as they will certainly steal your heart... And your hamburger...
Last, but certainly not least in the heart of a proud Aunt, we find a true baby-faced angel...
Special note: Photo taken by Angela Ko
Much love to all the men in my life. You've entertained me through the best of times and the worst of times. But most of all, you've gotten me to the point where I can finally close my eyes and fall asleep.
OMG Jennifer!!! I laughed so hard I was crying after I read this. What a true and accurate portrayal of the men in your life. I know all these men appreciate you VERY much in their lives! I can only begin to imagine the posts after the cruise when we are all together!!